handmade birthday card

Apr 30, 2012

as salam. hi lovelies! I'm so happy to tell you that I'm on leave for a week! weeeee~! ^^

so, what do I have here..

handmade birthday cards made from craft paper! for the time being, I only have two card sizes i.e. 14.8cm x 10.5cm and 6cm x 6cm. lets take a look, shall we? :)

code: HC01
card measurement: 14.8cm x 10.5cm


 code: HC02
card measurement: 14.8cm x 10.5cm


 code: HC03
card measurement: 6cm x 6cm


code: HC04
card measurement: 6cm x 6cm


if you want to know anything, you may leave a comment or just email me. will reply to your enquiries the soonest I can. 

till then. daaa~ :)


Apr 18, 2012

as salam. just a quick update. I've been very very very busy since last week. and it might continue until end of April 2012. so I won't be able to update this blog frequently or accept any custom order. :(

however, if you want to purchase ready stock item, you still can do so by filling up the order form. ;)

inquiries? just email me k. thanks a bunch~ :)

customer's order

Apr 13, 2012

thank you Azian. ^^

she bought 90 pcs of mini red clip and 30 pcs of kraft wrapping bag for her wedding day. hopefully everything goes well on her side. ;)

next. a special request from Sarah, CD case birthday card. just a simple one for her friend. 

thanks Sara.

I was quite rushing while making this card because she need it within 1 week. but Alhamdulillah, I managed to get it done in about 4 days. luckily I found all the materials (clear CD case, paper to be used as card, etc) I need just in time. I'm so thankful for that cuz I've a tight schedule (work-related) since early last week. phew~ 

I used a good quality paper to make the card (not a commonly use wrapping paper ya) and it's indeed quite expensive for a small piece of paper. hmm.. maybe I should just use common wrapping paper je next time. ne? 

the main highlight is all your messages can be written inside the card. oh. I just noticed that I didn't take any photo to show you. sorry. ^^' but as for Sarah's order, I only made the main part whereas she will do the rest. ;) 

I hope she satisfies with the outcome. :)

[idea] wedding blackboard signs

Apr 7, 2012

as salam. hi lovelies. happy Saturday! :) hope you guys doing good out there. em. well. nothing much to say. some of my friends will tie the knot this year. (congratulations peeps.. barakallah) :) so I'm just wondering how's their preparation for the reception ceremony. :D

wandering around the internet will make you see and get loads of ideas. I've been 'eyeing' this idea for quite some time but I'm not sure whether I'll be able to do it for my own wedding. *cough* 

instead of keeping it alone, why don't I share it with other people? some of you might already know about it. but to look for the materials? hmm. yeah. it ain't easy.

let's take a look. ;)

picture source: internet 

yes. because of this idea, I looked hardly for the mini blackboard clip. and decorate it with my own way. 

I'm so in love with it and really want to see a wedding reception with this concept. anyone up for it? 

mini love clip (set of 10)

Apr 6, 2012

it's wooden clip again!

but this one is smaller than the Cute Design Wooden Clip
so it's called mini wooden clip! ;) 

clip measurement: 25mm x 4mm

code: MLC01
1 set (10 pcs)

status: Sold out

TQ Azian!

below is the comparison between mini wooden clip 
and normal size wooden clip for your info.

note: entry on WC10 will be posted soon. stay tuned!

this is how it started

Apr 3, 2012

as salam. hi again. :D

I noticed that I didn't membebel much in this blog. just keep on posting on new products, eyy? maybe it's because I haven't blogged in a while (leaving my personal blog dusty and full with spider webss -,-). and am getting lazier after I started to gain interest in quilling and started to do quilling! haha.

it's all started in January 2012. I barely remember how I managed to know about quilling but when I went to I Love Bazaar at Subang Parade on 28 Jan, I was surprised that there was one booth that sell items decorated with paper quilling! fyi, that was my first time seeing those crafts with my naked eyes (before ni just tengok dalam internet). it made me become soooo excited so I bought one note book and few keychains from that seller (and determined to try to do it myself!)

after went on a shopping spree with my love (yeah, you need to buy the tools and the so-called 'raw materials' first, isn't it?), I started to do basic shapes as learnt from the net and came up with several designs,

before I finally made this one. *smiles*

a decorated (blackboard) frame for my love which can be used to stick your to-do-list or favorite photos! so happy that it received so much love after being uploaded on my FB. worth trying, eyy? ^^ succeed with the first project (at least for me), I started doing my second project, which was a handmade birthday card for my youngest sister.

I didn't upload the photo on my FB previously bcoz the card was completed in the second week of Feb whereas her birthday was on Mar 24. am I being too excited? >_< anyway, since she already received this card, I can upload it here now. just to share glimpses of some of the first few items that I made. :D

I do received several requests to open order for the above frame. but sadly I couldn't bcoz the blackboard is no longer available in the store, which I bought it last time. sorry for that. :(

guess, that's enough to break the ice. hehe. thank you for reading and hopefully I can meet your other requests, apart from that one. will update you accordingly should the frame is back in store. ;)

daaa for now.